Sunday, December 7, 2008

My Angel

Every year around Christmas time my house transforms into a Winter Wonderland. The Christmas tree appears in the corner of my living room and all of the decorations spread the house with cheer. With all of these decorations around the house, my favorite can be found in the center of the kitchen table. The porcelain angel, name Faith by its creator, is a fragile woman with two wings pointing downward. Her reddish brown hair is put up neatly on the top of her head. The magnificent purple gown with green and dark purple dots is flowing all the way to the ground. The angel’s two hands are held tightly to her chest and are clasped together. Her eyes are focused straight as if she were saying a prayer. This beautiful doll is so important to me and my family because it was purchased in memory of my grandmother when she passed away about seventeen years ago. Every single Christmas it has been placed in the center of all of the ruckus and excitement. The angel is in the middle of the kitchen because it is where most of the people are found around the holidays. When you walk into the house, you have to pass through the kitchen. In a way, grandma is almost greeting everyone when they enter, just as she did when she was still here. This porcelain angel is just an angel if you don’t know the reason and story behind it. However, my whole family knows it is there to remind us of the loss and the love of my grandma so many years ago.

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