Sunday, October 5, 2008


1)Generalizing: The penguins at the zoo reminded me of our society. It is a lot like how we live today. There is so much hustle and bustle going around that those people can’t even think straight because they are moving too fast. We are way to cluttered and close together. However, there are some people that sleep and relax all day. They don’t care if something major is about to happen or if they should go to work. There are also some people that just like to go with the flow and relax and take a relaxing “swim.”
2)Giving Examples: Some examples I have are having the 13 penguins sleeping on the rocks. They are very care free. Also, they don’t let all of the background noise mess up their relaxation. They really don’t care if someone is diving into the water or is frantically running around. Another example is the relaxed but busy penguin. Some people are like this in real life. They go about their day and get everything done that needs to be done. They don’t stress about much, but their work is always complete before they dive into the water to have fun. The last type of person is the frantic stressed person. They are running around crazily diving in and out of the water, going too fast. They look worried and concerned and don’t appreciate the beauty around them.
3)Comparing & Contrasting: People in general could be compared. I believe that there are three different types of people. There are the type of people that don’t work. They don’t have a house and they are lazy all day. They don’t have a care in the world. The second type of person is the content person. They go to work and make a good income. They aren’t caught up in the ever day process of trying to get ahead. They take good care of themselves and live a good life. The third type of person is the frantic person. They want to get ahead in life lose sight of importance. They want to be the best they can and they lose focus of what is really important. They are frantic and can’t think straight.
4)Extending: Logically, this is the penguins at the zoo. Thinking more in depth than that, the zoo is to entertain. So in that aspect, there are some people that are entertainers in the world. Looking at the penguins as a whole, there are different people that make the world run. They wouldn’t be as entertaining if there weren’t the penguins or people that dove into everything head first. You would be able to say how cute they were if there weren’t some that slept all day. Every person or penguin makes up the world.
5)Analyzing: Everything is of equal importance. Each penguin does its own job to entertain. Some sleep, some keep the crowd entertained. The ice and cage represent the world. We need a foundation to live in and in some ways we need a boundary. Everyone needs to be able to be told when they are going too far. Obviously, everything was put there for a reason.
6)Applying: I think everyone could learn something from the lesson they teach us. I think we could learn to relax more and just do the necessary things to get by. We would all be a little bit happier if we took a nap or dove in the water. Not one person is right or wrong, but it would be helpful if we would all do a little bit of everything. The world would be a better place.
Purpose: I want to be able to show people how penguins and people are related. How we live and how they live are the exact same. There are the lazy ones, calm ones, and the frantic ones. We could learn how to relax and take life easier if we could learn how.

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