Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Blog Post 2

Diagrams can be very helpful while writing in a virtual world. Digarams help in many ways because if you are talking about a certain topic, you can have the picture to break down and help the reader understand what exactly you are talking about. For example, I chose to use a diagram of the muscular system. If I was explaining the different parts of the system, you could visually see which parts I was talking about. Or, if I was talking about the different functions of muscles, you could identify which ones I was talking about. I believe that diagrams are very helpful in an educational setting. Diagrams help students really see what the teacher is talking about. Most people, including me, are visual learners. This means that if we see what you are talking about on paper or in a diagram, we will understand it better. Labels are also a very important part of diagrams. On my diagram, they are labeled. Lines go from the part of the body, to the label. I don't believe there could be a different or better way to use labels for this particular picture. While taking a diagram off of its normal page, you must be careful not to take anything away from it. In most cases, a diagram is created for a specific purpose. So you have to be cautious not to take away the main reason is was created. You have to put it in a place and give it its recognition that it was meant to get in the first place. In the end, diagrams are a great way to help us understand visually a specific topic. They help out in a learning environment and can really help someone understand a big topic. Diagrams are very beneficial to have and create.

1 comment:

T.I. said...

In my blog post I wrote almost and identical response. I agree with just about every statement that you made. I like you choice in diagrams because it is used often. Most of us have probably seen a diagram much like that sometime in our educations. I think that you bring up a good point that a diagram is meant to aid a text in getting a point across. I also think you nailed the the screw on the head by saying that a diagram helps people see what someone is talking about rather than just being left in the dark. A lot of teachers like to do that though. I guess that's just how things go. If there was one thing that I had to disagree with I would say that diagrams don't have to help you understand a "big topic." Do they have to be serious? Can they be a little bit entertaining? Can they help us understand unimportant, useless information better. I believe that they can help us understand anything from, a movie that was difficult to follow to an interconnected love story in a book. They can even be funny. I know it's hard to think of diagrams being funny but they can be. Finally, I agree whole-heartedly with what you had said.